Time spent with family that only comes around once in a very long time.
This last weekend I went away, without my kids for the first time, to Spokane for my Uncle John's funeral. Not only was this my time away from my kids but it was also the first time that I had stayed with my 3 Aunts. Now most would probably not think much about that but my family is quite loud and obnoxious and friendly. There are hugs and kisses all the time. You definately feel loved in my family. We love to give each other a hard time and have lots of laughs.
It was quite a time staying with my Aunts. I loved it! We shared things that you would not normally share when you see each other at a family gathering. We laughed and laughed, I learned maybe A BIT TO MUCH....NAH! To have that one on one time was very special.
There was a slight mix up on the hotel arrangements for my Uncle and Cousins. They were supposed to stay at the same hotel as we were but when we got into town we passed a hotel with the same name as the one that we were staying at. My Aunt Di says "That's the hotel, you just passed it." I said "No that isn't our hotel, it is up furhter on this street." I had stayed at this hotel last summer with the kids on our way back from Montana so I knew where it was and what it looked like. She saw the address and says "Well, that is the hotel that I made reservations at for Dan and the boys." Oh, that's not good....well it wasn't. That is the hotel they were at and it wasn't a very nice hotel. And boy did we hear about it. Aunt Di from them and me from her, since I gave her the phone number to call and make the reservation. I didn't know that there were 2 hotels with by the same company on the same street in the same town!!! AGH, best laid plans...
Uncle Dan, Jason, Daniel, Aunt Di, Aunt Donna, Aunt Dede, my mom and dad and me all got together inour little room and talked and had a good time. We had some appetizers and chatted. It was nice to spend some family time together. I did miss mine back home though. We picked a restaurant, Uncle John's favorite, China Dragon and off we all went. It was a good time and great food. Uncle John would have loved it!
(Aunt Phyllis & my mom)
The next day was the funeral. Lots of tear proof mascara later we were all ready. I learned a lot about my Uncle John over the weekend and am even more proud of him than I was before. He was an absolutely brave missionary. The things that he and Aunt Jo went through were beyond words.
All the cousins on the Newman side.
We met our family that we had never met before and others that we hadn't seen in many years. This was the first time since 1995 that my dad and his 4 siblings were together.

We all had a great time and enjoyed the LITTLE things in life...FAMILY.
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