So when you are out and about and there is a power outage, what is the worst place that you could be? Going through an intersection, in a shopping store, next in line to order your latte or in an elevator?
Well, none of these would be good in my opinion but the last one is what happened to me on Wednesday night, 8.20.08. I was leaving a business meeting and as soon as the elevator started to descend my worst fear came to life. The power went out and there I was alone in an elevator in the dark! Of course the first 10 seconds I started to panic but then I took a dee
p breath and thought about it for another 20 seconds and decided that I wouldn't panic and tried to decide what would be the best first step?

Should I try all the buttons? Of course the power is out but what can it hurt...The alarm button worked and sounded. I kept pushing that for the next 2-3 minutes but nothing magical happened, so I stopped that.
Then I opened my phone for light and found a phone in a panel but it didn't say where to went to so I decided against trying that idea.
Then I remembered I was supposed to meet Mike at swim with the kids and that was obviously NOT going to happen. So I tried to call him but the call didn't go through. That was not encouraging! So a bit of panic again...I tried calling again and I did get through this time. I told him what happened and he asked have you called 9-1-1? No, I answered, I didn't think that was an emergency. Does this qualify as an emergency? He thought that it did and that I should call. OK. So I called and told the lady just that and she said that it did qualify and she would put a call into the fire dept. for me. Fortunately I had the address of the building in my purse.
So I waited for a while and then I heard a voice hollering down calling my name. Oh good!!!! It was the man from my meeting. He realised that I might have not gotten out and came to see if I was OK and if there was anything he could to help? I told him that the fire dept. was on there way and could he open the front door, the security system wasn't working, obviously. That being done he came back and told me that and asked if I wanted him to stay and talk with me. I thought that was very nice of him but I told him, no I'm okay.
Right before the fire dept. showed, Mike and the kids showed. Hudson was crying because he was scared I was hurt. Is that so sweet or what! I felt bad hearing him cry. My baby...
All totalled I was in there for an hour. It wasn't bad after I decided not to panic I just sat on the floor played Tetris and Wheel of Fortune on my cell phone. Al be it I didn't do well at either. The firemen could get the door unlocked and I was having a hard time concentrating on the games. When I did get outside the kids and Mike were waiting and hugs went around and Hudson felt better to see me. So, wow, we were all hungry and off to McD's to a late dinner.
On of life's experiences that you hear about and never really want to try for yourself. But it isn't as bad as your imagination makes it out to be....
1 comment:
only you robbin ... only you!
ha ha
so glad you're okay. chloe' told me all about it.
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