We went to Leavenworth for a family reunion from August 4th through the
6th. It was a short trip but fun. The main reason for the trip was the my Great Uncle John was celebrating his 95th birthday! He and his wife Irene live down in California and they came up to their daughters for this shindig. Sherry is my mom's first cousin and their daughter. The attendees were, Aunt Goof, Aunt Tubby, Aunt Betty, Uncle Bill, well really he is my second cousin but I call him uncle, Cory, Kim, Carol, Uncle John, Aunt Irene, Sherry, John, KrisJan, Linda, Mom, Poco, Chlo
e, Hudson and myself, and a few others who I don't know. It was a full house.
As is usual for our family there was lots of food, laughing and reminiscing over stories from Aunt Goof, Tubby and Johns' childhoods.
The kids had a great time seeing Aunt Tubby and Aunt Goof. Those two hold a special spot in the kids' hearts. Sherry's house is on a river and the kids and I went down there with Poco and explored, found gold flecks in the sand, saw a snake, waded in, BRRRR and threw rocks. On of which accidentally hit Chloe in the back of the head...that wasn't good but she is fine now. 

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