As the weather has been getting nicer I have been spending more time out doors doing yard work and projects. The kids love to get their gloves on and get their buckets or wagons and help, for about 20 minutes. Then they seem to get tired and want a break to go jump on the tramp, or swing, or play badmitten or kick ball. Funny how those things don't make them tired and that they can jump on the tramp for an hour.
Yesterday Hudson helped me move rocks, as that is all that we have for dirt, and put down 1/2 yard of bark. See photo on left, all the rocks are just sitting on top of the ground. The photo on the right is our boulders and rocks that came out of our foundation. Yes the pick ax is my favorite tool!
It is so funny to watch him struggle to get some bark on his shovel and toss it over. He is so proud of his work and it makes me so happy to see him help with the chores, with out my asking.
That is a good day...
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