Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My mom = life saver

My mom has been a life saver for us. After all my surgeries she has stayed with us and taken care of getting the kids to and from school, cleaning house, doing all of the laundry, dishes, cooking dinner, homework with the kids and just being with them. But most of all making sure that I follow the doctors instructions. That was her hardest job of all. I am not very good at that part. I know I should and why I should but I just can't leave a sink full of dishes or whatever it is that needs done. I get up and do it. I just can't stand to have things undone like that. I can't rest until the house is clean and the all of the daily chores are done, then I sit and rest.

So mom gets it ALL done and I am able to sit and rest....which drives me crazy!! Mike loves it because then he doesn't have all of my chores piled on him also and we know that mom does a good job so it doesn't need to get redone.

Recently Hudson has been having some serious bouts with his health and been staying home from school. I have to go to work and Hudson has needed to stay home. This isn't a good combo. My mom has stayed at home with him and made sure that he has done everything that he is supposed to be doing to get well. It isn't easy to force feed a kid liquids when he keeps throwing them up. But she has done a great job and been a total life saver!!

Hudson has enjoyed his one on one time with her also. That makes great memories for him even if he is sick. He has had a good time with mom lately.

You are never done being a mom even if your kids are grown they still need you!

Thank you mom!! xoxo love you

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