It isn't hard to see the family resemblance here! Believe it or not this is not a posed photo. These two brothers actually were scratching like apes all by themselves! Gotta love these two! Matt and Mark.

Uncle Mark, Evan and Dylan are hamming it up at the water park. We all went to the water park two separate d
ays. It was a huge park with something for every age group and it was only $5 each bucks to get in and spend the whole day! You can't beat that. Chloe and Cameron are enjoying some Dippin' Dots after Chloe successfully completed her challenge by me, two full laps in the Olympic sized pool without stopping but one time. You know me always wanting to continue with the swimming education...

On the 4th we did fireworks at the house for the kids and then we all went to the park for the town display of fireworks which is always great!
Here are Cameron, Chloe and Gavin being Charlie's Angels. Where did they even hear about that show?
The kids and I took a LONG day trip up to see my mom's side of the family in Conrand and Dutton. We visited with my Aunt Marilyn and Unlce Vernon first. Aunt Marilyn we
nt to the farm with us, which I haven't been to since before Chloe was born. It was so nice
to go there and see it again, made me cry. Brought back all the memories of my grandparents and family and our trips back there for vacations. The barn didn't have quite the same pungent smell like it used to but it was so great to go in and see the kids play in it, just like I used to when I was there age. We also went to visit grandma and grandpa. Chloe and Hudson are the only grand kids named after them. So here
is the namesakes with them. After Conrad we went on to Dutton to see my Aunt Judy and Uncle Bob. We had a nice time visiting with them and had some dinner. It has been since Chloe was about 8 months old since we have been to their house. Aunt Judy gave Chloe her very firs
t hair cut on that trip. It was great to catch up on what is happening with all of my cousins and their families and see pictures. Both of their gardens are gorgeous and meticulously maintained.

On our way home from the trip we stopped in Spokane to see my Great Aunt Goof. She is such a character and so incredible! We had lunch with her and caught up on what was happening the her, Cory and Doug and Annie. She is always off on a trip here or there. She poops me out just listening to her itinerary.
i love montana!
so glad you had fun!
This ape brother seems to recall the heated pictionary games being ruled by the men!!!!
They say the first thing to go is the memeory! Who is the oldest?
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