Thursday, December 25, 2008

White Christmas...UMMMM

The snow hasn't stopped snowed all night and is still snowing at 12:30pm when I'm writing this. We are up to 2 feet here! It is so deep that Hudson can't walk in it and Chloe looks like she no legs. I am worried that the glass top of my greenhouse will break from the weight of the snow. Mike tried to get some of it off this morning with a big push broom but couldn't really get much off. My arbor looks like a camels back with the huge mounds of snow. I am not a big snow bunny to start with but this is over the top!
The kids have been giving the birds old bread crumbs each day. The pile is usually gone the next morning. And the raccoons seem like it too.
It took us from 10:15 am to 4:15 pm to go from our house to Bellevue to Sammamish back to Bellevue and then back home yesterday. The roads where better in the afternoon but we still didn't go over 35 except on I-90. All the back roads, which is all of them where we live, don't get plowed so they are so treacherous to drive. Mike drove yesterday thankfully. When I am in really bad road conditions and have the kids with me I get very stressed.
Do you have any sonw photos of where you're at?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Cheer!

Here is our HOLIDAY CHEER for all of our friends and family!
Hickory, our giunea pig, is getting into the Christmas spirit with her reindeer ears.
Here Hudson and Hickory are decorating the tree together. (Hickory is under the tree peaking out.)

The holiday season...

We at the Stedman house have been busy preparing for the holidays for weeks now. The kids and I have baked 10+ dozen cookies to give to friends and family but now with the snow they are sitting in the freezer waiting for their debut. Of course we have also snacked on a few of them...that is one of the reasons that this snow is bugging me. I want to get them all out of the house! They are way to tempting and of course I bake my favorites. This year we tried a new recipe from Mike's Grammie which turned out pretty good, a bit sweet for me but Mike likes them. I have all of her recipes from 80 years of running a house. We went through and found some more that we want to try out. I like having recipes from an elder in the family. It is fun to make recipes of old and Mike's favorites from his childhood.
What is your family doing to enjoy the holidays?
Do you have a favorite recipe that you would share with everyone?

Long time since I blogged

It has been a long time since I have blogged for many reasons. There have been some great things happen since my last blogging post. Most importantly is that Chloe was awarded Student of the Month for September! I am so proud of her continuing efforts at school to listen, use her time appropriately and being kind to everyone. We work on these fundamentals at home religiously with both kids. It is nice to see it actually sticking, like spaghetti on the fridge. WAY TO GO CHLOE FRANCES!