Thursday, October 9, 2008


Is there someone that you have known FOREVER and they still remember the important things, at least the important things to you. My friend DOT LARKIN is that person for me. She is just the sweetest most understand most non judgemental friend that a girl could have.
Today is Chloe's 9th birthday. Chloe adores DOT. DOT gave Chloe a pink baby blanket when I had her and Chloe takes that ratty, coming apart, now gray, blanket everywhere with her! She can't go to bed without having it right by her face and hates it when I put it in the washing. She is afraid that it will just disintegrate to dust. ANYWAY...DOT called to wish Chloe a Happy Birthday today and that just makes my heart beam! This is the special things that really mean the most!
*DOT we will have to set up anew get together date with the kids. Chloe isn't liking us postponing it. HeHeHe.
I love DOT to death!!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

10.6.08 Money Matter - Some useful info here on the mortgage market

Want to know what is going on right now in the mortgage market? Double click to view this larger.

Hudson's First day of School

As my baby gets ready for his first day of school I was trying ot keep the tears back. I think that I did pretty good, I managed to make it all the way back to my car before busting into tears. My friend Kaye called to see if I made it through and just laughs. I am a constant source of amusement for her as no matter how bad things may be going in her life she can always see me and feel better about hers.
Hudson has been having a fantastic time in school! He absolutely loves going wach day. He is up and dressed each day bright and early, 6ish each day. He is such a big boy now, that is what really gets me the most I think. That he is growing up and now I don't have a baby anymore. Where does the time go? You take photos so that you don't forget that moment in time and you make scrapbooks to further that cause but still we are left with the passage of that time. It just seems to be zipping by leaving us older and with less time to sit and absorb the wonderful things that we have in our lives. Don't forget to find something every day to be thankful for and someone.

Dangers of Microwave Popcorn

I was a bit taken back when I read this article, as I am getting ready for Chloe's slumber party next weekend, we are going to make homemade caramel corn. I was planning on using microwave popcorn for the base now I think I will be changing that and using an airpopper. Just "food" for thought.
When it’s movie night and you’re getting ready to break out the popcorn, using an air popper or jostling a pot of kernels in a heart-friendly oil on your stove top might be your best choices. A report from the FDA indicates that a chemical coating used in microwave popcorn bags breaks down when heated into a substance called perfluorooctanoic (PFOA). The Environmental Protection Agency has identified PFOA as a “likely carcinogen.” Another study has found an acid that can be extracted from the chemical causes cancer in animals and is “likely to cause cancer in humans.” A second potential danger in microwave popcorn is diacetyl, an FDA-approved chemical found in the fake butter flavoring. There’s even a debilitating respiratory disease called “popcorn workers lung,” (the medical name of the condition is bronchiolitis obliterans) suffered by microwave popcorn factory workers caused by extended inhalation of the chemical’s fumes. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, (NIOSH) concluded that diacetyl needs further study so that workers in the flavorings and snack industry are no longer at risk The Food and Drug Administration continues to study whether consumers can develop lung disease from inhaling diacetyl. In response to the concerns regarding the risks of diacetyl exposure, a number of microwave popcorn manufacturers have discontinued using it in their products. Pop Your Own Here’s the way to make popcorn on your stove top: Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil (or grapeseed oil if you prefer a more neutral taste) into a heavy, 3 quart or larger pan and place on medium high heat. Put two kernels in, and when one has popped, pour in 1/3 cup of pop corn (white or yellow) and cover pan. When corn begins to pop, shake constantly allowing steam to escape from popping kernels–otherwise popcorn will lose its crunch. Remove pan from heat immediately when popping stops or it will burn. Pour into a large bowl and season to taste.